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DDP YOGA SEMINAR-Instructor Steve Doyle-Sunday May 07 2017


Instructor Steve Doyle

Sunday May 07 2017




Kamikaze Punishment Foundation

6740-121 Ave Edmonton

Available for all Kamikaze Punishment Foundation Members at absolutely no charge


Diamond Dallas Page explains how he hesitantly turned to yoga to overcome his wrestling injuries. Page went on to found DDP Yoga, a program that borrows heavily from yogic traditions while featuring his own innovations. Read more at Follow Big Think here: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Transcript: Yo.

Instructor Steve Doyle's Story:

14 years ago (2000), I was doing my daily training in the weight pit. I was 187lbs and 6.9% body fat. I was a competitive knock down karate fighter. Doing the last rep of my last set, my back lets go. I take myself immediately to the hospital. Their answer is rest and meds. Fast forward to July 2013, 225+ pounds, chronic back problems, arthritis in both knees and one hip. Training for my 3rd degree Black Belt I took a long weekend vacation. I was checking my boat and my back goes out again for the 3rd time that year. I posted on Facebook two words. “Stupid back”. Shortly after that my friend from Australia, Ralph Burd, contacted me. He was in Mexico and asked me what was going on. I told him my sad tale. He told me he was a t a DDPyoga retreat and said I should check it out so I did. I searched high and low for bad comments, great comments were easy to come by. I found none and to this day I haven’t found one.

I decided this was something I could do to help my back and knees. I bought the Max Pack, but being in Canada I had to wait several weeks for the DVDs to clear customs and such. So I did “Energy” every day until our Karate Summer Camp. My DVDs arrived just before I left. Being able to put on my own socks again it was great. I have continued on almost daily.

I signed up for the instructor course shortly after it was offered. I placed training DDPyoga very high in my life. As i went on gaining flexibility and strength, I noticed something. I had no more pain. I was beside myself with excitement. Training hard and watching what I was eating and with the help of I made great strides.

With help from guys like Ralph Burd, Matt Owen, Brooks Walls, and Ross Raymond I was able to complete my certification and become the first DDPyoga Instructor in Canada. To these guys I say thanks for the support and listening when I needed it.

I recently was able to train with Dallas when he visited Canada. I was lucky enough to do training sessions with him as well as chat with him at length. He gave me some great advice and truly cares about people.

I currently teach DDPyoga to the local community through a local fitness club and my dojo holding a the rank of 3rd degree Kyokushin Karate Black belt!

Thank you Dallas for helping me own my life!!!

If this story can inspire someone you know, please share it with them! Arthur Boorman was a disabled veteran of the Gulf War for 15 years, and was told by his doctors that he would never be able to walk on his own, ever again.
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